What would you learn from different levels of Scuba Diving Courses?

What would you learn from different levels of Scuba Diving Courses?


If you are interested in diving or already planning to start diving, are you confused by the various levels of diving certification?
What follows is an explanation of what you can learn at different levels of diving certification and the elements of lifting the ban.

At present, there are a variety of international recreational diving organizations, which are generally common and recognized by diving shops:
ADIP:国际潜水教学系统 (Association Des Instructeurs de Plongée),1997年成立
NAUI:水中教练国际协会(National Association of Underwater Instructors),1960年成立
PADI:(Professional Association of Diving Instructor),1966年成立,现今为发卡数量最多的系统
SSI:国际水肺潜水学校(Scuba Schools International),1970年成立,现今为发卡数量第二多的系统
CMAS:国际潜水员协会 (Confederation Mondiale des Activities Subaquatiques),1958年成立
ADS:国际潜水学校联盟(Association of Diving School)1988年成立
SDI/TDI:国际水肺/技术潜水(Scuba Diving International/Technical Diving International)1994年由当时世界上经验最丰富的几位潜水教练成立
CDDA:中华潜水推广协会 (Chinese-Taipei Diving Development Association) ,1967年成立
DIWA:迪华世界潜水教练协会 (Diving Instructor World Association) ,1972年成立

What is interesting is that different organizations have different names for different levels of diving licenses. For example, SSI calls Advanced Adventure for Advanced open water divers, while PADI calls AOW for Advanced Open Water Diver.
However, diving licenses of different institutions are generally comparable, and are recognized by dive shops:

Here we will use PADI, the most famous organization, as an example to describe the hierarchy of the entire system.PADI Diver education system is the most instructional system in diving
In general, the PADI process from beginning to end looks like this:
When you are over 15 years old, you can learn OW(Open Water Diver), and then you can enter AOW(Advanced Open Water Diver), which can basically meet the needs of all recreational diving spots.
You can also choose to be further certified by Rescue Diver, which is a Rescue Diver.That would qualify you for an MSD.
In addition, you can choose to enter the PADI system and follow the path of DIve instructor: PADI DIve Master divers with a DIve Master license can work as DIve guides or assist with DIve instruction training;
The next level is Open Water Scuba Instructor, at which point you can become a real Scuba Instructor and complete the teaching independently (all courses below this level except specialized courses).
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This is the main upgrade route for PADI, in addition to the numerous professional courses available (underwater photography, dry clothes diving, high oxygen diving, etc.).

OW levels:
PADI’s most basic dive class, OW allows you to dive to depths of up to 18m.Trained divers will learn basic diving equipment, diving techniques, companion safety rules and other basic safety knowledge.

AOW level:
One reason you might want an AOW is more depth: it allows you to dive up to 30m deep and feel the change in color, the quiet feeling of being farther away from the surface.
The AOW level allows you to master all the skills you learned while you were in the ow, and further, you will be able to use an underwater compass, learn about nitrogen poisoning, safe stays, etc.
The ultimate goal is to be able to do deeper dives without a dive guide.At the same time, you can learn more specialized courses.

PADI Master Scuba Diver:
If someone is a Master Diver, it means they have extensive experience and Scuba training (at least 50 dives).They spend a lot of time in a variety of different underwater environments, from night diving to deep sea diving.
Less than 2% of divers reach this level, making them an elite group.Pursuing MSD also changes people’s lives, helping them learn new skills, boosting confidence, promoting Marine conservation, and focusing on their physical and mental health.

What would you learn from different levels of Scuba Diving Courses?


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